Madeline WalkerRegional Gathering Chair
A Mensa member since 1975 and a Life member, I jumped in as Gifted Youth Coordinator when I got my son into Mensa. I have served as Coastal Area Rep and Special Events Coordinator. My involvement in RGs has included running a Kids Track on RG Sunday, finding speakers, co-chairing 2010-2014 with Desiree Elliott and in 2015 with Jay Friedlander. Desiree and Jay are still key players in making the RG come together. I applaud the hard work and dedication of all the committee members who have created a very amazing RG for your enjoyment.

Michael WongHospitality Chair
Michael joined Mensa in 2003 and became active in GLAAM shortly afterwards. He recently became the Regional Vice Chair for Mensa Region 9, and will host a discussion of Mensa activities during this RG. He hosted the ELAC Gaming and Party for years and continues his involvement as the ELAC Secretary. He started hosting dining events on a regular basis with an emphasis on Asian cuisine and fine dining. He has previously organized Games at the RG and presented a variety of tasting programs, including a Fromage Cheese Tasting this year.

Desiree SagrayRegistration Chair
After hearing about Mensa from my aunt and meeting some GLAAM members through the Nova Toastmasters, my first major Mensa event was the 2004 GLAAM RG in Culver City. It literally changed my life. I became active in GLAAM activities over the next few months and by May was on the Board of Directors. By June, I was Chairing the 2005 RG Committee and have been actively involved in the RG for the last fourteen years, serving as Chair, Co-Chair, Hospitality Chair, Registrar, and Speakers Chair over the years … often at the same time! Mensa has given me so much, especially a wonderful husband, a most beloved nephew, and some of the best friends I have ever had. Continuing to be active in the chapter allows me to give back to this wonderful organization and some of the truly unique and exceptional people I have met here. I will be at the Registration Table most of the RG this year — so feel free to stop by and talk to me about GLAAM or Mensa in general!
Alma MunroTreasurer
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Vickey KalambakalSpeaker Shepherd Coordinator
Vickey Kalambakal is our L.A. Mentary editor, and hosts the monthly South Bay Salon on 4th Sundays. As one of the lucky Mensans who actually lives in San Pedro, she’s delighted that the RG is in her own back yard.

Jay FriedlanderGames, Tournaments, and Entertainment
Jay was born in a manger but was kidnapped and subsequently raised by a pack of wolves, from whom he acquired his love of board games. He has a BA in Radio-TV/Film from California State University, Long Beach and has spent most of his career in technical sales and sales management. He is also currently available for the right lucrative offer. His hobbies include basketball and horseracing. He currently serves as GLAAM’s Ombudsman.

Nik ki SmithThe Honorable Enjoyment, Mirth, and Entertainment (T.H.E.M.E.) Planner
Nikki Smith is a native Los Angelino who lives in the Harbor Area. She enjoys meeting people, attending Mensa events, entertaining, and being creative. This year she will be the Theme Events Planner & Pub Mistress for the GLAAM RG. Please look for her and introduce yourself at the 2020 Annual Gathering in Kansas City Missouri as the Co-Coordinator and host of the GEN-Y special interest group (SIG) suite.

Courtney SeiterRegistration
Courtney lives in Pasadena, Ca. She has two children, affectionately known as The Girlie and The Boyo. She is also an unashamed Harry Potter nerd.

Sandra SmithRegistration
Sandra grew up in the San Fernando Valley in a family of storytellers, so her favorite school activity was Show and Tell. After amassing an eclectic assortment of academic degrees, (BA in Sociology, MA in Library Science, California State Secondary Teaching Credential) she made a career in Civil Service (ornamented by another degree, an MBA). After she retired, she took up travel, enhancing a life-long interest in myths and folklore by visiting sites she only knew from books.
Douglas WalkerCommittee Member
Douglas was born in Vancouver B.C. Canada, came to the states when he was young, and has been here ever since. At the RG, he’s the go-to guy to get things done: A/V set-up, driver for pub crawls and van tours, dash to the store for supplies, carry, clean, fix and schlep wherever and whenever needed. His first wife was a Mensan (that bond didn’t last), and his second wife is also a Mensan (that bond has lasted 32 years so far, and shows no signs of weakening). If you catch him in the rare moments he is not running to help somebody, be sure to say hi. Note: his hug dot is always green.

Billie LeeWebmaster
Billie is a new face in GLAAM, having recently moved to LA from Ann Arbor, Michigan with her Mensan husband Ben. A web developer by trade, she spends a lot of time online, in bubble tea shops and escape rooms. She currently serves as the Second Vice Chair for American Mensa.

Randall MillsTechnical Director and Event Photographer
Randall Mills is a professional photographer and videographer with a background in journalism, fiction, and acting among other things. He has been a member of GLAAM for over a decade. He’s good at A/V stuff because he loves home theater systems.

David IlanGraphic Designer and Layout Editor
David joined Mensa in 2016 after finally working up the courage to take the test. He especially enjoys the game days and escape rooms. David is very proud to be the recipient of the 2018 Mensa Education & Research Foundation Intellectual Benefit to Society Award, which he received at the Indianapolis AG for his work bringing STEM to underprivileged students. This is David’s 3rd year doing the graphic design for the RG program.
Al ParkEvent Photographer
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Claire LeeGames & Tournaments
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Craig LancasterHospitality
Jana BickelCommittee Member
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