35 events found.
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Make sure to sign in to access event information. If you are not a MENSA member yet, sign up here
Earth’s Life History prior to Man This week we will look at the appearance of life forms except for man, which will be covered the following week. The primary focus will be on the fossil record and some key aspects of various life forms. We will then compare this to the account in Genesis and other Biblical passages. See July 10 for details.
The meeting will be held at the home of Fran Shankle. Please e-mail Fran at franshankle@aol.com for address and further information.
All Mensa members and their invited guests are welcome to observe GLAAM’s elected representatives at work. Join us at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82644795045 . Contact any board member for help getting connected or for more information. (Z)
Where did mankind come from? Did modern humans evolve from an ape-like species or are humans the result of a creation process? Is mankind a higher form of animal, or are we distinct from the rest of the animal kingdom? What were the Neanderthals? Is there any scientific basis for the story of Adam & Eve to be literal? Join us for a fascinating talk that has significance with how we view ourselves as human beings. Science Logic and Faith is a 20-part series that uses science and logic to look at the Bible, faith, and spirituality. Each talk is […]
Meet at the Mexicali Restaurant, on 631 18th Street (18th at R), Bakersfield. Regular monthly gathering in SJV on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Nice place, great cuisine. Ask for the Mensa table or look for the M-blem sign. Contact Carl Bryan at (661) 703-1319 or via email at carl-bryan@sbcglobal.net . (HiD, LWC, O)
Bring a book to discuss. If you have any questions or want to be on the book discussion email list to get the ZOOM link contact Jana Bickel at janabickel@earthlink.net.
This is a Zoom version of August 7. For a link, contact Perry Lanaro at ScienceBibleSeries@gmail.com. Meeting time will be 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Dinner starts at 5:30 and the discussion at 7:00 PM at the Horseless Carriage, located at 15505 Roscoe Blvd in Van Nuys, just east of the 405. We meet in the back room where there is room for 12-14 people. Park in the restaurant’s parking lot or across the street at Galpin Ford. This month's topic is taxes. Please contact Jana Bickel at janabickel@earthlink.net to reserve a seat at the table.
Join us at a Tim Burton themed bar in Hollywod at 1714 Las Palmas. An adult Halloween party with a Burtonesque feel, curated by Alfred Hitchcok with a 90's goth band on stage and everyone wearing weird costumes. Holds up to 500 people. RSVP to gregorywilliamson@member.mensa.org
Join us at Kathleen’s: 595 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena, CA. 91101. There's plenty of free parking out front and in the back. We’re Baaack!!!! Kathleen informed me that they have both indoor and outdoor distance seating. Your host Michael (818) 859-4228 and your co-host Beverly (626) 284-2507 are both fully vaccinated with CDC cards in hand to brag about it! :) So come on out, let’s get started on chasing our cabin fever away (For those who are from cold winters and know what that is in their bones!) We’ll de-Zoom our eyes. For us introverts, pretend it’s still quarantine with […]
Inland Empire Mensans who live in Riverside and San Bernardino counties now or in the past are scattered in different Mensa chapters. Come join us to meet virtually and join your fellow Inland Empire Mensans for Mensa style ZOOM discussions. We meet virtually every second Saturday of the month from 12 noon to about 1:30 PM. Meeting ID: 953 6031 1838, Passcode: 583901, https://zoom.us/j/95360311838?pwd=VHdDZG16VEVTS2hMdkdKTi9PNmJxdz09
Due to classroom availability issues, this may be the last meeting at this time slot. I want to see group interest before picking this topic. See August 7 for details.
Hosted by Alan Stillson. 5515 Keokuk Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91367. The meeting is subject to Covid-19 safety compliance. Meetings are limited to ten people, fully vaccinated, including the host. It’s free. Soft drinks and light snacks are provided. Feel free to bring a snack to share. Please contact Alan Stillson at astillson13@gmail.com or 818-884-4284 for details and to reserve a spot.
The plan for our monthly dinner is to have it at the Marie Calendar in Lancaster which is just one block west of the 14 Fwy on Avenue K on the right side of the street from the Fwy. We will meet at 6pm provided someone tells me that they want to come. In the three decades that I have been a member of Mensa, the total amount of knowledge has increased tenfold. So much good stuff to discuss. I hunger for that more than the meal. Please let me know if you will attend. Please phone, text or email. Best--The Dinner Dude. (661) […]
This is a Zoom version of August 14. For a link, contact Perry Lanaro at ScienceBibleSeries@gmail.com.
We are at the home stretch now on our Olympic chronology. We made it to Tokyo 2021. This month we are going to Sushi Sumo in Gardena. This place has sushi on conveyor belts, plus made to order items if you are not into that style. Sushi Sumo is at 1831 West Redondo Beach Boulevard just west of Western. RSVP to Kedem Har-Shalom at kedem524@yahoo.com if you plan on coming. Where will we go in September? Tune in to see.
This month’s book is Methusula’s Children, Time Enough for Love or other book by Robert Heinlein. If you have questions or would like to be put on the book discussion email list to get the Zoom link and future updates, please contact Jana Bickel at janabickel@earthlink.net
Join us for dinner at Sizzler’s at 7131 Van Nuys Blvd just south of Sherman Way. There’s plenty of good food, good conversation and convenient parking in the back.
We can seat up to 12 players in a Carnelli circle. This is for fully vaccinated people only. Please contact Carnelli Master Alan Stillson to reserve a place. In keeping with Mensa tradition, judgments will be arbitrary, capricious, and final. The e-mail address is astillson13@gmail.com and the landline is 818-884-4284. It’s open to all GLAAM members and invited guests. The address is 5515 Keokuk Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91367, near Ventura Blvd. and Winnetka Ave. We’ll also meet up for lunch at Joseph’s Deli. The address is 19005 Ventura Blvd. in Tarzana. It’s the new incarnation of the old Label’s Table.
Please contact Alan Stillson at astillson13@gmail.com or 818-884-4284for details. The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3370598819 Meeting ID: 337 059 8819. Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbphh0RD2V
We will be meeting at The San Franciscan in Torrance, which was named the best under 40 dollar steakhouse in the South Bay for this year by Easy Reader Magazine, and this homey old fashioned place on Sepulveda and Crenshaw does have a good selection. To RSVP, contact Kedem Har-Shalom at kedem524@yahoo.com.
Spend a day or a weekend at the Orange County RG. Meals are included. Hotel roos are available at the MainStay Suites. 2701 Hotel Terrace Dr Santa Ana 714-957-9200. This year's theme is "Space Force M" . Onsight registration is $149. For further information contact Judy Unger 714-356-4873. For further information see the ad elsewhere in the newsletter.
The meeting will be held at the home of Fran Shankle. Please e-mail Fran at franshankle@aol.com for address and further information.
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