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Horse Show

From Thursday, December 5 until Sunday, December 8, there will be an MNF (Michael Nyuis Foundation) Charity Horse Show at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center, which is located 480 Riverside Drive Burbank, CA, 91506 United States.  Starts at 8:00 am and goes until 6:00 pm.  This event is free.  Check out the Los Angeles Equestrian Center website at  Yvonne Carrick is planning on attending the event around 2:00 pm on Saturday, December 7 th  Please contact her at to RSVP.

Investments Group

The meeting will be held at the home of Fran Shankle. Please e-mail Fran at for address and further information. (COASTAL)

Board of Directors Zoom

All Mensa members and their invited guests are welcome to observe GLAAM’s elected representatives at work. Join us at .  Contact any board member for help getting connected or for more information. (Z)