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Science Logic and Faith – Origin of Life:

Life first appeared on earth about 3.6 billion years ago as single cell bacteria and scientists refer to this as the origin of life.  Sunday we will dive into the important question of where life first came from.  This is perhaps the most technical talk in the series, but it will be explained in a way that those without a science background will understand.  This is the last meeting in 2023 before breaking for the holidays. The meetings are open to those of all beliefs and perspectives, not limited to Mensa, and are promoted in several ways so you will meet [...]


Hosted by Alan Stillson. The address is 5515 Keokuk Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91367 – near Winnetka and the 101. Please contact Alan Stillson at (818) 884-4284 or if you plan to attend or to get more details. Maximum of 15 people. It’s free. Soft drinks and light snacks are provided. Feel free to contribute additional snacks. (SFV)