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Science Logic and Faith: Arrival of Mankind

  Where did mankind come from? Did modern humans evolve from an ape-like species or are humans the result of a creation process? Is mankind a higher form of animal, or are we distinct from the rest of the animal kingdom? What were the Neanderthals?  Is there any scientific basis for the story of Adam & Eve to be literal? Join us for a fascinating talk that has significance regarding how we view ourselves as human beings. The meetings are open to those of all beliefs and perspectives, not limited to Mensa, and are promoted in several ways so you will [...]


Hosted by Jana Bickel. The address is 4335 Vineland Ave. in North Hollywood (563-A4). Please call Jana at (818) 506-4032 or contact Alan Stillson at (818) 884-4284 or if you plan to attend. It’s free. Soft drinks and light snacks are provided. Feel free to contribute additional snacks.