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Contemporary Issues SIG
Dinner starts at 5:30 and the discussion at 7:00 PM at the Horseless Carriage, located at 15505 Roscoe Blvd in Van Nuys, just east of the 405. We meet in the back room where there is room for 12-14 people. Park in the restaurant’s parking lot or across the street at Galpin Ford. This month's topic is taxes. It will be led by a GLAAM member tax preparer. Host Jana Bickel will be out of town. Please contact Alan Stillson at to reserve a seat at the table.
Tooth Tuesday
6 PM (presuming our COVID status remains the same) at the Mexicali Restaurant, 631 18th Street (18th at R), Bakersfield. Regular monthly gathering in SJV on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Nice place, great cuisine. Ask for the Mensa table or look for the M-blem sign. Contact Carl Bryan at (661) 703-1319 or via email at
Science Logic and Faith
This is a Zoom version of October 9. For a link, contact Perry Lanaro at
Zoom Book Discussion
Bring a book to discuss. If you have any questions or want to be on the book discussion email list to get the ZOOM link contact Jana Bickel at