Madeline WalkerRegional Gathering Co-Chair Coordinator
A Mensa member since 1975 and a Life member, I jumped in as Gifted Youth Coordinator when I got my son into Mensa. I have served as Coastal Area Rep and Special Events Coordinator, running a Kids Track on RG Sunday, finding speakers, and co-chairing with Desiree Elliott and Jay Friedlander over the years. I applaud the hard work and dedication of all the committee members who have created a Virtual RG in this time of stress and unsureness.
Jay FriedlanderRegional Gathering Co-Chair, Games, Entertainment
Jay was born in a manger but was kidnapped and subsequently raised by a pack of wolves, from whom he acquired his love of board games. He has a BA in Radio-TV/Film from California State University, Long Beach and has spent most of his career in technical sales and sales management. He is also currently available for the right lucrative offer. His hobbies include basketball and horseracing. He currently serves as GLAAM’s Ombudsman.
Jordan Albert Byrne
Jordan has been very supportive for the VRG and will be in charge of the Zoom activity for the Speakers and for the evening Entertainment. He also brought in one of our speakers, who will be very interesting.
Vickey Kalambakal
As the editor of our newsletter, the LA Mentary, Vickey has her finger in every pie, including tweaking the wording in articles for the Virtual Regional Gathering and agreeing to put the schedule on the front page for February. Yay, Vickey! Great applause to Vickey and Toni for five years of hard work on the L.A. Mentary. And another applause goes to Mildred (Milly) Phillips who has stepped into the position of L.A. Mentary Editor. She has already jumped in to take up the last bits of wording added to the LA Mentary. Giant thanks to all of you.
Craig Lancaster
In 2020, Craig assisted with hospitality. He also presented three programs and assisted with four other programs. For 2021, he has determined that buying food and drinks for hospitality will be unnecessary. He has also decided to defer giving programs until 2022 when his seemingly unending series of programs on American popular music will resume.
Billie LeeVRG Webmaster
Billie moved to LA from Ann Arbor, Michigan with her Mensan husband Ben for a short time and now has moved back. A web developer by trade, she spends a lot of time online, in bubble tea shops and escape rooms. She currently serves as the Second Vice Chair for American Mensa.
Randall MillsEntertainment Director for VRG Storytelling Evening
Randall Mills is a professional photographer and videographer with a background in journalism, fiction, and acting among other things. He has been a member of GLAAM for over a decade. He’s good at A/V stuff because he loves home theater systems.
Alma MunroRegistration, Technology, Communications
Volunteering is my game. I have held various leadership and supporting positions in the advancement of STEM, education, research, cultural integration, and health advocacy in my career and as a volunteer in the community. GLAAM provided renewed opportunity to enable and encourage youth towards intellectual pursuits and social connections with peers. Thus, I rejoined Mensa in 2017. I served as webmaster, membership officer, Coastal Area representative, and strategy committee chair. I was actively involved from 2017 to present in the GLAAM regional gatherings as the RG webmaster for two years, registration support, hospitality, speaker (Health Apps), speaker moderator, and various other spots as well as RG Finance. I am currently the Greater Los Angeles Local Secretary and continue to provide my assistance to enabling the GLAAM RG to proceed in the midst of the corona virus uncertainty in any capacity whether finance, registration, outreach, or technology.
More members who contributed with ideas, meeting attendance, and a multitude of other support.
Jana Bickel
Toni Hansen
David Ilan
Brian Madsen
Courtney Seiter
NikKi Smith
Alan Stillson
Douglas Walker
Gregory Williamson